Farming As Nature Intended
We Facilitate Exceptional Harvest
With Unique
Regenerative Farming
Based in California and Texas, AgVerra formulates and sources the finest quality blends of Conventional and OMRI Certified Organic Soil & Crop Nutrient Products.
For over thirty years AgVerra has been a consistent leader in the development of Regenerative Farming and Biological solutions that have helped farmers throughout the USA and around the world achieve bountiful harvests and exceptional yields.
Offering unique Conventional and OMRI certified inputs, AgVerra delivers superior Earth Friendly products that are gentle to the soil, non-toxic and above all, are highly effective. This ideal combination of leading edge soil biology with traditional and modern agriculture science provides valuable crops with a strong foundation for natural and consistent heat stress and pest suppression resistance.
Our Zel Tec product family is a professional line of True microbial soil inoculants designed to provide commercial growers a high degree of repeatable performance in demanding environments. AgVerra can provide custom microbial blends to your specifications.
We can supply these in base form, with nutrient substrates, or blended with other carriers to your specification. AgVerra provides formulation assistance, technical guidance on product development, advice on start-ups or adding a new product line and assistance with private labeling.
AgVerra - Zel Tec Custom Propogated Dry Biologicals are the most potent and effective - High CFU count Dry Biological formulations - at the lowest cost per acre - in the farming Industry.
As a biotechnology solutions provider our products are developed specifically to address the application.
We do not use a one-size-fits-all approach. Our focus is to continue extracting key findings, corroboration, and research afforded by the scientific advancement in the microbiology domain and more importantly develop sustainable products that offer superior results allowing for viable options to the traditional products and methodologies in use today.
The Problem
Declining global soil fertility and increasing resistance to traditional pesticides & herbicides, reductions in arable land and decreasing nutrient density in foods & forages, impacts on ground & surface water quality and continued pressures on the human food chain
The Solution
AgVerra advances "new" technologies by harnessing natural biology and exceptional nutrients into a winning combination of products
Keep it simple
Farming As Nature Intended
We Believe it ALL starts with Healthy Soil
Management of soil fertility is one of the major challenges facing todays farmer. Soil fertility includes the basic building blocks and overall nutrient science that compliments the physical condition and biological ‘health’ of the soil.
Sustainable farming aims to build up and maintain vital nutrient reserves while at the same time maximizing nutrient recycling and reducing external inputs. Only skillful, farm management practices can effectively address this. Efficient management of nutrients, soil structure and soil biology will ensure consistently good yields of valued crops. Mis-management of these critical components can result in poor yields and increased environmental degradation.” (Mark Anthony Shepard)
So What's All The Fuss About Soil Health...
In order to produce healthy soils that promote healthy plants, you need biologicals. The term “biologicals” refers to beneficial, living microbes. Some of these biologicals can be found living in diverse communities within and around the roots of plants. One of the most important biologicals for plants are mycorrhizae.
Mycorrhizae describes a symbiotic relationship between plants and fungi. Fungi known has the ability to improve plant growth and survival. Fungi will colonize plant roots and create an extension to outer soils, increasing the amount of available nutrients and moisture the roots would otherwise not have access to.
Mycorrhizae stretches far into soil, breaking down and acquiring nutrients, bringing them back to the plant and exchanging them for sugars produced by the plant. Mycorrhizae are a critical component of healthy soil biology and comprise about 80% of all the microbial organisms that support plant growth and health.